

Bowl of salad

Supporting your Immune System

Download my free ebook 'Supporting your Immune System Over the Winter - 20 nutritious recipes to help you stay well'. This ebook gives you diet and lifestyle tips to support your immune health along with recipes designed to boost some of the nutrients that support immune health.

Glass of smoothie with plate of berries

Foods to Reduce Endometriosis Pain

Desperate to get some relief from your endometriosis pain? Heard about using diet to reduce endometriosis symptoms but don't know where to start? If Yes, this free e-book is for you. I outline my five point plan for tackling endometriosis symptoms and explain the foods that can reduce inflammation in the body and those that increase it. The accompanying recipes are designed to help you put this into practice.

Flaxseed pudding

Get your menopausal symptoms back under control

Looking for natural ways to manage menopausal symptoms? Want to take steps now to ensure your menopause goes as smoothly as possible? If Yes, this free e-book is for you. I outline my six point plan for managing the menopause and explain the foods that can help balance hormones and boost your energy. It includes recipes to help you put this into practice.