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Thriving through the perimenopause

Are you in your 40s or 50s and noticing some changes in how you feel?

Maybe initially it was some subtle emotional changes you noticed. Perhaps you felt more anxious or stressed about things than you used to. Or maybe you have phases of feeling low in mood for no obvious reason. Or you feel more tired than you used to even though you are not doing any more that you used to or have trouble sleeping. These can all be signs that we are starting to enter the perimenopause and our hormone levels are starting to shift.

We are prepared for things like hot flushes and night sweats, but we are not warned about some of these emotional symptoms that may come first. And that’s why we can give ourselves a hard time about them when actually it’s a signal for some self-care.

As the hormone fluctuations progress you may start to get more symptoms like changes to your monthly cycle, joint pain, hot flushes, night sweats, brain fog – these are the classic perimenopause symptoms most people know about. But it can also cause other symptoms like our digestive system becoming more sensitive as well as our skin. 

You don’t have to suffer in silence with these symptoms. Whether you decide to go down the HRT route or not, there are a number of different strategies you can try from a nutritional therapy perspective.


The food in our diet can have a massive impact on perimenopause symptoms and we can use this to our advantage. Adding in plenty of foods that regulate hormones can help to manage some of the symptoms experienced along with topping up the nutrients that can help with symptoms like low energy or mood. You can also replace foods that can trigger hot flushes and night sweats. Have a look at my earlier blog on foods for perimenopause for some ideas.


One of the biggest factors that influences what your perimenopause is like is your stress levels as you go into perimenopause. This is because our adrenal glands start to take over as the main producers of oestrogen in the body. But if our adrenal glands are already burnt out from pumping out lots of cortisol, our stress hormone, in our 30s and 40s, they won’t have much reserve left for taking over oestrogen production. This means the cushion of oestrogen that could help with some of the symptoms is diminished. Managing stress levels and making some time for self-care is critical as we get into perimenopause. Whether it’s a soak in the bath, some yoga or breathing exercises, this needs to become a priority rather than a luxury.


If you are really struggling with perimenopause symptoms, then some supplements targeted to you, your diet and lifestyle can give you the support you need and help reduce your symptoms. If you are taking HRT or any other medication, make sure you check your supplements with a pharmacist or nutritional therapist to make sure they don’t interact with your medication.

Perimenopause is often given a bad press and is something people fear. But not everyone has a bad time during it. And by looking after yourself with food, lifestyle and supplements you can ensure that you stay well during perimenopause.

If you would like a personalised perimenopause nutrition plan to help you through this natural transition, then do book in for a free hormone health review to find out more.

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